ArthroXtra Tablets Price in Kenya

ArthroXtra Tablets Dual Nourishment For More Motion.

ArthroXtra Tablets Price in Kenya

For the arthritis which brings about the pain in the joints caused by lack of slovial fluid or decreased amount of it leading to friction in the joint which cause burning like feeling and the pains… 

We need to use these supplements:

GLUZO JOINT F or ARTHROXTRA which contains glucosamine. Glucosamine is used by the body to make other chemicals that build tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and the fluid that surrounds joints. 

Joints are cushioned by the fluid and cartilage around them. Taking glucosamine might increase the cartilage and fluid around joints and/or help prevent their breakdown.


ZAMINOCAL  which consists of zinc magnesium and calcium which help in strengthening the bones and zinc when pregnant due to the amount the donate to the infants for bone de They also loose slots of calcium and magnesium each month have their monthly period so at their older age they tend to have weak bone due to low calcium zinc and magnesium levels in the body…. 

So to strengthen the bones we give zaminocal to assist with strengthening the bones and lastly we give arthroxtra to help with the arthritis cells.. Helps in awakening the nerves and maintaining a healthy state


2 tablets per time, twice daily with meals.
It should be taken for at least 3 weeks for initial effects.

Kindly take note of the fact that:

  • ArthroXtra™ Tablets is not a substitute for drugs. 
  • Don’t exceed the recommended dosage. 
  • Use under the guide of directions. 
  • Consult your doctor if pains or symptoms persist.. 
  • Keep out of reach of children.

Health Benefits of ArthroXtra Tablets

  • ArthroXtra Tablets keeps your joints strong and healthy. 
  • ArthroXtra Tablets Chondroitin lubricates cartilages for better mobility while also being a shock absorber for your joints. 
  • ArthroXtra Tablets Glucosamine builds and strengthens the cartilages and tissues that cushions your joints.

ArthroXtra Tablets Price in Kenya

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