Refined Yunzhi Essence Price in Kenya

Refined Yunzhi Essence Natural Energy, Natural Booster.

Refined Yunzhi Essence Price in Kenya

Yunzhi is a precious mushroom that research has shown can help seriously ill patients have a better chance of survival. Studies show it deters unwelcome cell replication and alleviates side effects of clinical treatments such as mouth ulcers, vomiting and loss of appetite.


Take two tablets two times a day before meals

Kindly take note of the fact that:

  • Refined Yunzhi Essence is not a substitute for drugs. 
  • Don’t exceed the recommended dosage. 
  • Store in a dry place at room temperature.
  • Keep out of reach of children. 

Health Benefits of Refined Yunzhi Essence

  • Enhance immunity system.
  • Improve energy and vitality.
  • Enhance appetite and reduce illness.
  • Increase the white blood cell and lymphocytes.
  • Reduce chemotherapy side effect.
  • Reduce pain during episode of serious immune challenge.
  • Strong cancer treatment.
  • Due to polysaccharide enhances cells growth.
  • Good for malignant melanoma, metastatic cerebroma lung carcinoma, malignant lymphoma, leukemia, esophagus carcinoma, mammary carcinoma and uterus carcinoma etc. more than 40 cancers. 
  • Raises female libido and enhance orgasm.
  • It is an anti-dysmenorrheal – cleanses and avoids painful or difficult menstruation. 
  • Good for rheumatism.
  • It maintains the strength and elasticity of the skin and aging.
  • Strengthens the blood vessels.
  • It is a post partum medication to help contract the birth canal.
  • Regulates menstrual cycle.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Relieves excessive white discharge.
  • Very good for candidacies.
  • It fights hormonal imbalance thus very good for menopausal syndromes.
  • Good for dizziness.
  • Regulates body temperatures.
  • Prevents and cure gynecological problems like fibroids and cysts.
  • Multiplies white blood cells

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